

Monday, July 13, 2015

Speak Truth

Welcome Guest Blogger Kelli Hughett

She has a new book out RED ZONE

She has sent me a Devotional for me to post.  It goes with what I believe and that I have written about.  Hope this message will bless you as it has blessed me.

                                    SPEAK TRUTH

I recently talked to a mother whose son witnessed and experienced some horrific events.  When everything came to light, they immediately rushed him to conseling.  While talking to the counslor, they expressed some fears about the lies he'd been exposed to becoming truth (read:action)in his life.  The counselor told them, "Speak truth over him everyday."

I hadn't heard this phrase before, and it pricked my heart.

In a world full of lie, Christians should speak truth over each other.

After I began thinking of the lies of this world, I was overwhelmed by how much of my own life is infiltrated by lies. 

How can I know if I have lies in my life?

1.  Listen to your self-talk.  What you say to yourself matters.  Is it truth or have you said things like:

I am a failure.

I am never going to complete this task.

This is more than I can handle.

I deserve to be happy.

I have a short fuse.

This is killing me.

No one would want to hear what I have to say.

I have no friends.

I'm insignificant.

I'll never amount to anything.

Whatever I try fails.

This life isn't worth it.

I'm miserable.

I'll never change.

2.  Listen to what you say to others.  We're sometimes sucked into lies by sympathy.  we like to acknowledge  a friend's pain by saying, "You're right."  Are we affirming lies?

3.  Take inventory of how you FEEL at the end of the day.  If you speak a lot of lies to yourself, chances are you're feeling lowm down, sad, depressed, unfulfilled, unhappy, stressed and sinful.

I could go on and on and on with the lies I've caught myself believing.  I believe that Jesus conquered death and my sin on the cross.  I believe that GOD's love for me is immeasurable and that I'm valuable in the kingdom.

Yet, I've allowed the ies of Satan to penetrate my life and my everday self-talk.  I can't remember the last time I spoke the truth to myself.

Once we've identified the lies we've been telling ourselves, how can we change?

Begin to speak the truth to yourself:

I am failure.  I am an overcomer in Christ

I am never going to complete this task.  Ido everything for GOD's Glory.

This is more than I can handle.  I can do more than I think I can because I serve a big GOD.

I deserve to be happy.  I deserve hell and I'  getting Heaven because of Christ:  I will live this ttuth.

I have a short fuse.  I am longsuffering.

This is killing me,  This is hard, but I am determined to grow from it.

No one would want to hear what I have to say.  I share the gospel every day.

I'm insignificant,  I'm so important that Christ died for me.

I'll amount to anything.  I am the workmanship of Christ.

Whatever I try fails.  I have been given grace in all my shortcomings.

This life isn't worth it.  This life is amazing.

I'm miserable.  I'm unhappy, but I can still have joy.

I'll never be change.  My best chance at becoming a better person today.

When you speak the truth to yourself, it becomes contagious.  Truth has a way of doing that!

How can we use the truth to bless others?

1.  Speak the truth over your children.  "You are smary.  You are exciting.  You are growing into a fantastic Christian woman/man.  You're going to be a wonderful husband/wife.  You are gaining Bible knowledge that will help you throughout your life.  You can resist temptation.  You've got what it takes to be a man/woman of GOD.  You're showing growth today.  You love GOD with all your heart.  You are beautiful. You Shine."

See what I mean?  I was grinning ear-to-ear when I wrote that list.  Imagine speaking those truths over your kids...even grown kids can use the truth.

2.  Speak truth to your spouse.  "You are a great husband/wife.  You do a great job around the house.  You're a great provider.  You've go a great attitude.  You keep your promises.  You're really showing the light of Christ.  You are capable.  You are stunning.  You are loved.  You are becoming a great leader.  On day, Jesus Christ is going to find you.  (for non-believing spouse).  You help others get to Heaven.  You are a great example of Christ.  You are forgiven.  (try this one!) 
You can use "we" phrases, too. "We're growing stronger in our marriage.  We are bound together by Christ.  We handle problems together.  We use our money wisely.  Our marriage is precious to GOD.  We are growing in our faith together.  GOD blesses our marriage."

3.  Speak truth to your congregation.  I know, it;s called encouragement in the Bible, but we've watered it down with pity and euphemisms like, "Bless your heart!"  Speak the truth to those who are struggling, hurting and stressed.

Memorize a few scriptures and speak them over your family, your friends and your church members.  Write them a card with a bibilical truthin the pages.  Pray truth.  Speak Truth. 


Check out her Book  RED ZONE

I hope everyone enjoyed this as much as I did.

Please leave a comment and let Kelli know what you thought. 

Thank you Kelli.  You can stop by anytime.  Enjoyed having you here!

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