

Monday, March 20, 2017

Bible Verse Of The Week

Ephesians 2:10

For I am GOD's workmanship created in Christ Jesus who to do good works which He prepared in advance for me to do.

I like this verse.  GOD already knows what He wants us to do.  If we follow GOD and listen to him, he will guide us in the right direction.

We are not a mistake.  We were created by GOD, who knew us before the world was created.

That fact makes me feel good.  I always thought I was a mistake.  That I had no purpose in life.  I was wrong.  It says that GOD prepared something for me to do before I was born. 

We all have a gift.  Mine is writing, though I always wanted to be a painter.  I can not draw at all.  I can not sing.  But I can write and see a story everywhere I go. 

Write this verse down on a card.  Carry that card everywhere you go and read it out loud throughout the day.

Do this until you get it down into your heart and soul. 

What is your favorite Bible Verse?

Leave it in the comment section

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Do You Live By The Bible?

People who claim that they are Christians, don't always act like Christians.

I am a vegetarian since the age of ten.  I was reading the book of Leviticus.  it tells us what to eat and what not to eat.  Most people, even Christians.  They quote the Bible that GOD tells us that we can eat anything.  That goes against the Bible.

In Genesis GOD told Adam and Eve that they could eat any seed bearing plant.  GOD didn't tell them to eat an animal.  It was not until after the flood that GOD told Noah that he could eat animals.  The book of Leviticus, tells us what animals is clean and unclean.  Do you believe what the Bible says?  It also says that what swims in the ocean, we can only eat what has fins and scales. 

What about Sunday?  That is the day of rest?  Do you work Sunday?  Do you go to church on Sunday?

Some say that the Bible is outdated and it does not apply today.  Where do you stand on this?

We are living in the end of days.  Sin has taken over the world.  Christians are being beheaded and no one says anything.  Are you willing to die for your belief in the Bible?

We are getting closer to when a chip will be implanted in us to buy and sell items.  It is already being done in parts of the world.  In the ?Bible it says that if you get that mark, you will be in the army of Satan.  Do you believe that.

The Bible says it is the mark of the Beast.  So if you have a choice, get the chip or die?  What will you choose?

You need to know where you stand with GOD and how far you will go.

My faith is strong.  I will die right now before I bow to another GOD.  Jesus is Lord of all.  I live by that statement. 

If you do not have a Bible, download a free app.  Read the Bible and let no one tell you it is old and outdated.  GOD created us. 

Sooner than you think Jesus is coming back.  Satan's time is limited here on earth.  Stop listening to Humans and start listening and reading the Word of GOD and start living how GOD wants us to live.

There is no debate.  GOD's Word is the final authority

Believe it and start living the way GOD created you to live.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

I Am Blessed To Be A Blessing

I am a child of GOD.

GOD loves me.

GOD gives me the desires of my heart.

Jesus will never leave me nor forsake me.

I was Born Again February of 2003

I was Baptized  July 24th 2016

Since then my entire life changed.  I know that GOD is with me.  I feel his presence.  GOD has blessed me, so I can go out in the world and bless others. 

Last Christmas, I learned that my neighbors were struggling paying their bill.  I went out and bought them a gift card.  How could I sit in my warm home and Christmas dinner? 

I work in a grocery store and has extra money on me, if someone is short a few dollars, I will pay the difference.  GOD has blessed me, so I can bless others.  It is not about me.  It is all about GOD.  GOD gets all the credit and all the glory.

When I give to others, I tell them, don't thank me.  It is all GOD, he gets all the credit and all the glory. 

Do I want to give my money away?  No.  BUT, I am doing what GOD tells me to do.  I feel that GOD will nudge me, when he wants me to do something.  It is up to me to listen to GOD and follow through. 

What are you going to do when GOD tells you to do something for others? 

We are GOD's Body, to do GOD's Will on this earth.  I am here to serve GOD.  I want to do what I was created to do. 

So be a blessing to others, and start doing the work of GOD.  Let GOD use you today.


I am GOD's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which he prepared in advance for me to do.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Being Born Again

Do you remember the day and time you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?

I don't.  I know that it was February 2013 in the afternoon.  I was in my forties, and moved into my own place,  I got on my knees, and thanked GOD, I asked him to come into my heart.  I welcomed him to change me. 

Then, that was it.  Not much changed.  It was only recently, about 14 years later, that I should remember and embrace that moment in my life. 

Here, in the United States of America, birthdays are celebrated.  Everyone remembers when their birthdays are and when their kids birthdays are. 

I don't understand that.  Who cares when you were born.  It was a day.  Birthdays mean nothing.

We should be celebrating the day we were Born Again.  We should celebrate the day that we became a child of GOD. 

No one talks about the day they were Born Again.

The world talks about Zodiac and asks what sign are you?  Like that is more important than the day you were Born Again.

Something to think about. 

I don't care about my birthday or your birthday, I do care about the day you were Born Again and your testimony.

So the next time you are celebrating a birthday, ask yourself this,  Is it that important?  You should be asking if they have been Born Again and if not there is your chance to introduce them to Jesus. If they are Born Again, then celebrate that.  Not a date that has no meaning.

I understand that most people will not agree me, but I would rather celebrate Being Born Again, than go along with the world's way.  After all once we are Born Again, we have eternal life.  That is something to Celebrate!

Leave in the comment section the date you were Born Again and a short testimony.

Also if you want to publish your testimony, check out my other blog as I blog on I write and publish on Amazon